Fighting the addiction that is to not care by Jeremiah
Jeremiah, Class of 2018, shares his advice on fighting the urge to procrastinate. In high school, many people, such as myself, pick up a bad habit that can ruin any sense of productivity and motivation, from assignments to just even showing up for class. This bad habit this addiction to just not care, to turn a blind eye to whatever is calling for your attention to complete. Being on your phone in class or listening to music and going to sleep if note taking is too boring and doesn’t feel as though it should matter. It’s easier to just be selfish with what you want to do and not to do in this day and age, and it can hurt you. Deciding that it’s easier to ignore things life in general you need to have done can cause lots of stressing moments everyone who does it, and it will often have you wish that you had done it when you had the chance. The best thing you can attempt to do in order to avoid making difficult situations for yourself is to pace yourself, it may sound simple; an...