My College Visit to OU, a religious HBCU by Melina

Melina, Class of 2019, shares how a college visit has helped in deciding which college to attend Everything is all cool until it's time for the after high school world. You’ll never know how hard choosing a college is until you're pressed for time. Currently I'm not 100% sure of where I want to go for college or when I want to go, but what I learned at Oakwood University at OU Live 2018 is wherever I end up, God intended on it going the way it did. It's easy to say you want to go to an ivy league or a high-cost school but factors like NO MONEY or a BAD TRANSCRIPT will limit you to where you can even go. Whatever college I go to, I want to feel safe and be focused. For the dates of October 3 to the 7th at Oakwood U, I had my first real college experience. Over the course of the 5 days I was there, I toured the campus, stayed in a dorm room, ate like a college student, went to Church/Aym release/chapel/Vespers , and overall I enjoyed myself. I am a Seventh...