LFLA Seniors Experience How to Budget by Taelor

Taelor, Class of 2018, explains what she learned on a recent field trip to the Junior Achievement Finance Park. A few weeks ago all the seniors had the chance to gain experience of learning how finances work in the adult world. Junior Achievement Finance Park is a facility that brings in 7th-12th grades to learn about personal finance and how to better budget their money when going into adulthood. The students are given life situations and have to build a budget based on their net income. During the field trip, there were multiple things that we were “tested” through. Meaning, of the things that adults pay for, we learned how to balance the money we had from our net income and had to build a budget around the things we needed and wanted. We had to purchase clothes, food, insurance, health care, cars, etc. There was so much that you had to budget for. In my assigned life scenario, I was 33 years old with a well paying job with a net income of $59,000 ...