Tips on Getting Scholarships to Pay for College by Ashyrha

Ashyrha, Class of 2018, shares her best tips for finding and getting scholarships.

   This is one of the most difficult topics for me as a senior in high school. I had a hard time finding scholarships and, on top of that, had a harder time finding the time to do the ones I did find. I didn’t give up though because I had already come so far. Looking back, I do wish I had done essays and other things ahead of time because a lot of times some scholarships ask for the same essay. It is not impossible; you just have to want it… And once you set your mind to it, you have to make it your goal to get that scholarship. You have to push yourself because other things during your senior year will come up. There will be times where you have to pick and choose what comes first. Remember that everyone is rooting for you, and people around you are always there to help if you ask.

     I suggest the best thing to do is know how much the schools you are interested in cost. Look at your tuition cost then go back to scholarships, and I suggest that you aim to get more money in scholarships than how much your tuition costs. This is mainly because scholarships are like trial and error, you either get it or you don’t. Do not let the thought of not getting a scholarship discourage you because the more scholarships you apply to the better your chances are of getting one. It is important to always ask for someone to edit your essays because they can be the most important part of the scholarship; also four eyes are better than two. Scholarships can be tricky, but they are not impossible, and I wish anyone one who is applying to them the best of luck. I hope these tips give  you some good ideas to consider.

      Here are some places you can search to find scholarships:,, or even your own school of your interest because they can give you possibly a full ride as well. Keep a list of all the scholarships you apply to so you know who to look out for for a response;  you’ll be thankful later on. When you are applying to these scholarships, make sure to be as honest as possible in your essays, meaning don’t make up a fake story about your finances or whatever it may be because in the end you’ll have to back it up or show proof. If you lie, there will be a consequence to it. Put your real life examples into those essays; that is what they will be looking for. Some sample topics are: What is a dilemma you have encountered before in you life? Write an autobiography about yourself. What is an obstacle you have overcome before in your life?

     In addition to writing good essays, you need to have people in your corner who will write a good recommendation for you. Always remember to keep good relationships with your teachers, counselors, and coaches because they are good references when it comes to these letters of recommendation. Also, just because a deadline may end up a day away, you can still do that scholarship and get it turned in if you put forth effort. It is never too late. I did it once before. It also is never too early to start looking. I would get started as soon as possible; that way you’re more prepared. Make sure you know about yourself and what you want as well; it’ll be easier to notice what scholarships fit you best.

      I strongly suggest asking counselors if they have scholarships for you; it is a way to make connections with them. That way you have built a bond, and they can maybe help you with scholarships when you are no longer in high school.

Finance U is funded by a grant from American Eagle Credit Union Foundation. The foundation sponsors a scholarship for account holders. See this link for more info.


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