Getting Involved in High School Extracurricular Activities by Josh

Josh, Class of 2018, explains how getting involved in an extracurricular activity like soccer can benefit you.

       In high school getting involved in school activities like sports could help you out in many ways. If you’re new to a school I believe the best way to possibly make friends and find your place at school is through school activities. Just find something that you like, and boom you already have 1 thing in common with the people who are in the activity group. Even if you’re not new to the school and you already have friends, participating in school activities gives you the opportunity to make new friends. Doing these activities can also look great on your resume when applying for college, scholarships or a job.

        When high school started for me I wasn’t interested in school activities. I was mostly focused on playing video games and trying to date girls. When my sophomore year came around I decided to play soccer again. I used to play for my old school from kindergarten to 5th grade. I remember the sport being fun and me being pretty good at it. I even got a friend to sign up with me. Starting off, I had to regain all of the skills I had previously learned. Through hard work I became better at the sport, and I became closer with my teammates. I liked playing it so much my sophomore year that I ended up playing for both my junior and senior year. I had became a Captain by senior year. Becoming a Captain gave me some leadership skills I believe I can take anywhere in life. I learned to be compassionate and how to earn other’s respect.

        When your senior year comes around you will need some things in order to move on to the next level of education. When you play sports you usually grow a relationship with your coach. Your coach could be one of the people who could write you a recommendation for college or scholarships. That’s why it’s important to get involved and grow relationships with people at school. No one wants to write a recommendation for a kid they barely know. So make sure you know who you’re asking.

       I don’t plan on playing soccer in the future, but I am glad that I got to experience it. Soccer has taught me a lot about teamwork and leadership. I could use these skills in the future to succeed in my field.

Finance U is funded by a grant from American Eagle Credit Union Foundation


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