The next chapter in your life by Janai

Janai, Class of 2018, explains how the Macy's Street Law program helped her choose her major and gives advice on choosing a college to fit your major.
Janai participated in the Macy's Street Law program her junior year.

         When I started high school I started thinking about what I wanted to study in college. The middle of my freshman year I realized that I was very interested in the law and how it could help people. When I realized that I wanted to study law in college, I started looking at schools near and far that offered law programs.

           Once I did that I was in my junior year in high school. Then one day I learned that my school did a Street Law program. That’s when some lawyers come from Macy's and teach you about law and tell what they do at their job on an everyday basis. At the end of the program, you go to the Macy's law office, and you get to pretend to be a lawyer. You are either defending Macy's or you are defending the person suing Macy's. The experience was very fun and helped me realize what type of law I want to practice.

            After I did the Street Law program I started to go on college trips to the schools that had the major that I wanted with the school. In the middle of my junior, I realized that I wanted to practice family law. After I realized this, It took out some the colleges that I was leaning towards. My senior year, I narrowed it down to three schools. The schools were Tennessee State University, Southeast Missouri State University, and the University of Central Missouri. At first, I was dead set on TSU, but then I realized that that was too far from home. Now, I’m am fully admitted at SEMO, and I start college in August. I recently went to my orientation and I learned that they don’t offer pre-law as a major, so I had to choose a major and minor in pre-law. Right off the bat, I knew I wanted to do psychology because I grew up watching Law and Order Special Victims Unit, and I saw how the doctor helped the lawyers and officers solve the case. So I thought if I can do that while being a lawyer then I could help a lot of people. So, just because you have one major in mind that doesn’t mean that that will be you get your degree in; you just have to make sure whatever you get your degree in, you love or very passionate about it.

           When you start thinking about college and what they have to offer you should think about the different majors they have. Once have an idea of what you want to study in college, then you should look at how good their department for that area of study is. Then, when you have decide on whether you are ok with studying something close to your major or do you only want to study your major.

Finance U is funded by a grant from American Eagle Credit Union Foundation


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