
Showing posts from April, 2018

Getting Involved in High School Extracurricular Activities by Josh

Josh, Class of 2018, explains how getting involved in an extracurricular activity like soccer can benefit you.        In high school getting involved in school activities like sports could help you out in many ways. If you’re new to a school I believe the best way to possibly make friends and find your place at school is through school activities. Just find something that you like, and boom you already have 1 thing in common with the people who are in the activity group. Even if you’re not new to the school and you already have friends, participating in school activities gives you the opportunity to make new friends. Doing these activities can also look great on your resume when applying for college, scholarships or a job.         When high school started for me I wasn’t interested in school activities. I was mostly focused on playing video games and trying to date girls. When my sophomore year came around I decided to play soccer again. I used to play for my old school from kinder

Seniors are Saving for the Future with AECU

 Jayla, Class of 2018, tells us about the recent field trip to American Eagle Credit Union and what she learned about banking.        On March 21, 2018, a majority of  Lift for Life Academy seniors went on a field trip to American Eagle Credit Union to create savings accounts. In order to create a savings account, you had to pay an initial $5 deposit. Each student received $5 from the American Eagle Credit Union, which was very helpful. At AECU Tracy and Cayla, two of the staff members, gave everyone a tour around the Credit Union. We saw all the different departments that were included in the American Eagle Credit Union, such as: social media department, accounting department, human resources department (HR), etc.  Every student had the experience of going inside all of the departments to get a vision and feeling of how it would feel to work in a workplace like the AECU. One young lady, showed us a brief PowerPoint of how the Social Media department worked and what the department

To College and Beyond! The ultimate college trip guide by Jazmyne

Jazmyne, Class of 2018, explains how to get the most out of a college visit and how her visits helped her pick the college she will attend in the fall.         College trips are an essential part of your college decision making steps. You want to attend as many college trips as you can. I have been on a total of 13 college trips ranging from Historically Black Colleges & Universities, Predominately White Institutions, and regular universities.         On typical college trips you are given a tour of the campus while your tour guide answers any questions you have. Be sure to have lots of questions so that you really get to know the place because you never know, it might end up being a school you are really interested in. This college could turn into your home away from home so it is only right you know everything there is to know. Ask questions about dorms, scholarships, admission requirements, doctors on campus, majors, meal plans, and etc. Be very sure to ask about majors