Seniors are Saving for the Future with AECU

 Jayla, Class of 2018, tells us about the recent field trip to American Eagle Credit Union and what she learned about banking.
       On March 21, 2018, a majority of  Lift for Life Academy seniors went on a field trip to American Eagle Credit Union to create savings accounts. In order to create a savings account, you had to pay an initial $5 deposit. Each student received $5 from the American Eagle Credit Union, which was very helpful. At AECU Tracy and Cayla, two of the staff members, gave everyone a tour around the Credit Union. We saw all the different departments that were included in the American Eagle Credit Union, such as: social media department, accounting department, human resources department (HR), etc.  Every student had the experience of going inside all of the departments to get a vision and feeling of how it would feel to work in a workplace like the AECU. One young lady, showed us a brief PowerPoint of how the Social Media department worked and what the department focuses on or aims for to make their audience happy. Overall, American Eagle Credit Union was an wonderful place that each senior got to visit.

       American Eagle Credit Union is a financial institution that provides different products to their members, such as: savings account, checking accounts, loans, credit cards, investments, insurance rates, and business banking. American Eagle Credit Union provides a couple of different programs and group for the youth and teens savings. They have a Junior Account Program which is aimed for members who are 9 years old or younger. Financial Youth Group is provided to members that are 10-13 years old. Young Adult Financial Group is directed to 14-21 years old. All of those programs and groups are designed for children and teens that are planning to learn the benefits of saving and actually saving. They also have a foundation that serves residents in the St. Louis Metropolitan area by providing grants and expertise for financial empowerment programs. LFLA was fortunate to receive one of their grants and now partners with the Foundation through Ms. Pumphrey's classes.

       My personal experience at the American Eagle Credit Union taught me a lot. Being in the atmosphere of  AECU showed me how dedicated the staff members were in their department. I saw how all of the “connects” work, due to the drive thru at the credit union. Connects like: making sure they send the customers the right stuff back, making sure every staff member has a certain amount of money at their station, making sure they don’t keep the customers in the lanes for too long, etc. I learned the importance of having a savings account. A savings account is used to save money for reasons like buying a new car, house, college, retirement, vacation, etc. I learned that it's a low risk but low return way to start saving money for my future. Having a savings account technically means that I have big goals for myself, right?

Finance U is funded by a grant from American Eagle Credit Union Foundation


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