Grades...Are They Really That Important? by Justin

Justin, Class of 2018, explains how to keep your grades up.

       Keeping up with grades will be one of, if not, the most vital thing you will have to maintain throughout your career in school. When your grades are kept up, not only are you passing, but you also get a feeling of achievement in the end. Of course, when you care about your grades, you will end up stressing. Then again, the stress will be worth it, considering that you are stressing for a good reason.

       If you are someone like me who has a lot on their plate, making sure your grades are kept up might feel like the least of your worries. Having that mindset, however, does not make anything better. I remember during the second and third quarters of 2017 (March to October), I ended up going through a deep depression. It felt as if things would never go right in the heat of the moment.

       There was a lot going on during those months, but the main thing was that my father passed away in April that year, and then my grandmother a month later. My grades ended up slipping dramatically because of this, which caused me to end up failing both of my math classes, trigonometry and college statistics. Although that happened, it did not stop me from trying to do what I needed to.

       About three or four weeks before school started back for my senior year, I realized that I was almost through with high school. Still in my depressing moments, it took several of my friends to get my head where it used to be. It was ironic because normally I would be the one motivating them, but it is clear that the tables turned when I did not realize it. Since then, my grades have been a lot better than what they have been for the past couple of years.

       The first thing I can say about keeping your grades in tact is to stay motivated. People are motivated in different ways, so there is not only one way to get motivated. Some people, such as myself, are self-motivated. Some are driven by quotes, by their friends, many things. Find something that motivates you, and keep it in your back pocket.

        Another way to keep your grades right is to go to class. This might be the most obvious one, but you would be surprised at the number of students that fail because they either skip class or don’t even come to school. Come to school and pay attention, no matter how much you dislike the class. If there comes a time where you won’t be able to make it to class or school, make sure the teacher or administrator knows as soon as possible. That way, your teacher is able to help you with what you missed when you get back.

         Your grades define your GPA. The lower your grades, the lower your GPA will be. If you plan on going to college, this is very crucial. Colleges will be looking at both that, and your ACT score. You could always shoot for the bare minimum to get accepted, but I ALWAYS recommend going above what is required. Then, you’ll know that you will certainly get in, and possibly even get a scholarship from the school.

       In conclusion to this, keep your grades up and consistent as much as possible. Don’t let hard times throw you off. Instead, use that as a motive for you to keep going. Go to class, stay motivated, and stay on top of your game. There will be times where you want to just quit, but you’ll never get to where you want if you do. Good grades are vital in many ways, especially for college. Work hard in the beginning, and it’ll pay off in the end.

Finance U is funded by a grant from American Eagle Credit Union Foundation


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